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Saturday 26 September 2015

Ten things that I live for

In the 21st century people put a lot of weight on the happiness derived materialistically. Some people even measure their happiness by how many pairs of shoes they own, or how nice their car is. I'd like to say that this doesn't apply to me, but it's so ingrained within society that I don't believe anyone is immune to it. However, the past few weeks have been amazing for one particular reason - my friends. I realised that there are more fundamental reasons for our happiness, and we all need to become more aware of these. Once we're aware we can embrace them, and increase our happiness without hurting our bank account! Here are ten things that make me happier than anything else.

1. Finding beauty in unexpected places.
2. Realising that I have more in common with someone than I first thought.
3. Making other people happy.
4. Being around people that radiate joy.
5. Being able to support those that need me most.
6. Achieving my goals.
7. Finding someone that I connect with instantly.
8. Doing something outside of my comfort zone.
9. Moments when I realise that there's nowhere else in the World I'd rather be.
10. Being happy with who I am.

I found writing this list really therapeutic, so why not give it a go? It confirmed to me that the best things in life really are free.

What do you live for?

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