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Saturday, 15 February 2014

100 Happy Days: Part 1

It's so long since I've blogged! A particularly busy few weeks at uni took priority. I have quite a few posts planned, so hopefully there won't be another two week hiatus for a while.

On the 14th of January I became aware of The idea behind the website is to make yourself aware of what truly makes you happy. Nowadays the sad truth is that people find the most happiness in material things. Whilst taking part in this challenge I've tried to concentrate on recognising happiness through experiences or events, although admittedly most of my photos are materialistic as I'm busier than I would like and so don't have the chance to get out and about. That's something I'm looking to change once uni is finished in a couple of months.

The 100 happy days challenge involves posting a picture daily on a social platform of your choice (I chose Instagram). You can make your submissions as private or public as you like (it's inspiring to look through the #100happydays tag on Instagram), but it's just a way of making an account of what you felt were your happiest moments. I'm now over a quarter of the way through my 100 happy days, and thought it was a good time for an update! Below are a selection of my happy things (I'll link my instagram at the end if you'd like to see them all).

Day 2: galaxy print bringing Black Milk clothing fans together 

I fell in love with this galaxy backpack due to its similarity to my favourite Black Milk print, galaxy blue (you can see my post about Black Milk clothing here if you'd like to know more). My boyfriend gifted it to me for Christmas, and it has since been my uni bag. Exactly one month ago I started a new course at uni and sat next to a girl that I'd never spoken to before. As I was leaving, she recognised the print as similar to Black Milk and said that she also owned some Black Milk clothes. I was very surprised and happy to find another Black Milk fan at Uni, as its production in Australia means that it's not too well known over here!

Day 7: first day back at pole fitness after the Christmas holidays

I started pole fitness about four months ago, and it has since been the highlight of my week (I love it so much, that I decided to take two lessons last week and have the bruises to show for it). I know that I have a long way to go until I'll be happy with my ability, but the teacher shows us new moves practically every week and it's so satisfying to feel yourself making progress. I kind of wish I was at uni for another year so that I could carry on learning for longer. As that's unfortunately not the case, I really hope I can find classes somewhere else!

Day 10: my happy place

As I'm in my last semester of my final year of Uni, my bed is quickly becoming one of my favourite places. Nowadays quite a few people view sleep as a luxury, and are willing to cut down on it in order to complete necessary tasks. I admit that I'm guilty of this, although I'm trying to regulate my sleeping hours using my motivational chart (see further down). These days finally getting into bed is one of the best feelings in the World.

Day 15: my first (kind of) successful fishtail braid

I've been admiring fishtail braids on others for a long time, and have tried numerous times to learn how to do one. Every time I tried my hair would either unravel before I'd finished or look a complete mess. After watching a Challenge Jim and Zoe (here) in which Jim manages a better fishtail than I have ever been able to, I decided to try again. And it worked! This time I held the strands of hair more tightly at the top and made sure to take equal sections from each side. Since figuring out the correct technique this has since become my go-to hairstyle on days where I have a bit more time to get ready.

Day 22: motivating myself for uni

I recently noticed that my motivation for uni work had decreased dramatically. As I'm determined to graduate with a 2:1 I decided I needed to make a change. I came up with the idea of a motivational chart (to be filled in using shiny star stickers for extra motivation), where I can keep track of tasks that I have completed, and reward myself accordingly. My rewards include being allowed to go shopping or post a new blog post. It's working to an extent (some days I just run out of time to do everything), so it's definitely an improvement on my pre-chart days.

Day 24: he's finally here!

On the 6th of February my boyfriend's baby brother was born. He was over two weeks overdue and so we were all really excited when he finally made an appearance! I was lucky enough to be able to meet him two days later and he is the cutest baby ever. I can't wait until after I've finished uni, when I'll be able to spend more time with him.

Day 28: my Regal Rose order arrived

I was really excited to place my first order with Regal Rose after having admired their jewellery for a long time. I purchased a necklace, ring and hair rings (review post coming up), and just couldn't wait to experiment with the hair rings. I'd never seen this anywhere else, and think they're a great way of making a simple hairstyle look more impressive!

Day 32: Valentine's day gift

My boyfriend got me this Vanilla Frosting Yankee Candle for Valentine's day and it smells amazing. It fills the room with a delicious cakey scent, and makes you wish it was possible to eat the air. We had it burning for over four hours and hardly made a dent in the level of the wax. I can't wait to burn this again and again and again.

And that's it for my little update! All of the other days can be found on my Instagram here. Even though I've missed a few days (due to not doing anything out of the ordinary), I'm quite pleased with how many things I've been able to recognise as increasing my happiness. I'm looking forwards to continuing the challenge for the next 67 days, and think this account of my happiness will be a great think to look back on in years to come.

Have you heard of the 100 happy days challenge before? Do you think challenges like this are a good idea?

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  1. Hey lovely! I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check out my post for your nomination and question challenge! xx

    1. How exciting! Thank you for my nomination! Blog post with my responses will be up in the next few days ^_^ xx
