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Wednesday, 24 December 2014

My non-material Christmas Wishlist

It's the day of year which thousands of people spend panicking about unfinished Christmas shopping. Shop shelves are emptied and retail workers begin to lose faith in humanity. Unfortunately, having been in a full-time job for the first time ever, I'm one of those people who was beginning to feel stressed about having not bought presents for everyone. And it got me thinking: I really wish Christmas was still just about appreciating friends and family. It's become so materialistic, and to think that some people would actually be disappointed if they didn't receive a present makes me sad. I wish that one year I could make a pact with everyone I know that we won't be buying presents. Except you're bound to receive a present from someone, and they're going to expect one back. I do enjoy Christmas, but the present-giving makes less sense to me every year. So I was thinking about what I'd really like for Christmas this year. Things that, unfortunately, no-one can gift me.

1. That my sister gets the graduate job she has a final interview for
2. That my mum gets better and can start enjoying her retirement
3. That my colleagues in my new job will be just as nice as my current ones
4. That there be less fighting in the World
5. That all my friends and family have a healthy and happy 2015

If these things became a reality next year I couldn't be happier. What's your non-material wishlist?

Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year! I hope you get to spend some quality time with those you love.
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Thursday, 11 December 2014

My November Favourites

Sooo this one's a little bit late. I discovered some amazing things in November though, so I thought I'd share anyway!

Lush So White Shower Gel Limited Edition
Last year I picked up the So White bath bomb and loved it, so I spent most of this year in anticipation of being able to pick it up again. So when I discovered that the same apple-y fragrance was available as a shower gel I just couldn't resist. I love fresh, fruity scents and this one does not disappoint. It doesn't smell like that really sweet fake apple that some companies seem to be fond of. It also makes my skin feel really soft. I've noticed that it's a little shimmery in the bottle, but I've noticed it leaving a shimmer on me. Can't say I'm disappointed. I definitely think I'll be picking up a bigger bottle of this before it leaves the shelves again!

Glazed Apple Lip Balm by The Body Shop
Yeah, so I'm kind of obsessed with apple scent right now. The Body Shop have introduced quite a large Glazed Apple selection for Christmas. Since I was ordering online and couldn't test it out first, I thought I'd pick up one of the smallest products first just in case I didn't like it. Because this is 'Glazed' Apple scent it does smell a bit sweeter than the Lush shower gel. But since it's only going on my lips and not my entire body, I don't mind. I never find The Body Shop lip balms overly moisturising, but in my mind they definitely win the tasty, constantly-want-to-lick-your-lips category!

Essie Favourite To Fall For
I mentioned to my sister recently that I'd almost run out of my all time favourite Essie polish, Bahama mama. So I was very excited when she gave me this Essie duo as a gift, containing a full-sized Bahama mama and a full-sized Chinchilly. I'd never tried Chinchilly before, and a 'sleek granite grey' isn't something I've ever considered purchasing. But I was pleasantly surprised how much it complemented my skin tone. I'm sure I'll get a lot of use out of both of these through the winter months!

Galaxy Phone Case by Decal Girl
Most people that know me know that I'm slightly obsessed with galaxy things. This print, in particular. I have a blue galaxy rucksack, leggings, swimming costume, dress. And now a phone case too! My boyfriend ordered me this from Decal Girl when I bought a new phone. We couldn't find this image in their giant range of stock images, so we made our own. I love how high quality it is, and it's so pretty. That it protects my phone is just a bonus!

Peter Pan Collar Shirt from Zara
I've been after a plain white, non-oversized shirt for a long time. As a petite girl this is extra difficult, because I don't have the option of sizing down in shirts that are made to fit a bit baggier. I finally stumbled across this shirt in Zara and I love everything about it, from the peter pan collar to the strip down the middle which gives it just the right amount of detail. I think it'll fast become a staple in my wardrobe!

Have you tried any of these? What were your favourites this November?

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