So today I turn 21. People often place a lot of significance on that number. The day you finally become an adult. The start of a new era. Unfortunately for me, today marks the final day of revision before my final year uni exams start. I'm taking a few hours off to have a meal with my family and boyfriend, and also wanted to mark the day with a blog post that I've put a lot of thought into. Therefore I've spent my study breaks creating my bucket list. It's something I've been meaning to do for a while, but have put off. I don't believe in defining your life by the number of things you tick off your bucket list, but I do believe in the power of inspiration. This list will serve to inspire me on days where life just isn't going my way. There's so much we can do if we just put our minds to it!
My Bucket List:
1. Get a 2:1 at uni
2. Get a job
3. Buy a car
4. Buy a house
5. Get married
6. Have children, when I'm ready
7. Pay off my mortgage
8. Raise kids that I'm proud of
9. Visit every continent
10. Teach children abroad
11. Sign up for a monthly charity donation
12. Volunteer abroad
13. Fly somewhere first class
14. Ride an elephant
15. Go surfing
16. Learn how to make an entire roast dinner
17. Become fluent in Spanish
18. Meet someone I admire
19. Go on a spa day
20. Be an extra in a film/programme
21. Go on a three month spending ban
22. Try vegetarianism for at least a week
23. Change my hairstyle dramatically
24. Go to a drive in cinema
25. Stay up all night and watch the sun rise
26. Sleep under the stars
27. Visit a dark park
28. Go on a holiday with no itinerary
29. See the Northern Lights
30. Swim in the Great Barrier Reef
31. Swim/float in the Dead Sea
32. Conquer my fear of public speaking
33. Start my own business
34. Do a skydive
35. Ride a camel
36. Sleep in a rainforest
37. Road trip across the US
38. Sleep in a desert
39. Stay in a motel
40. Visit the Pyramids
41. Go white water rafting
42. Climb a mountain
43. Visit a casino
44. Climb a famous building
45. Get a promotion
46. Eat at The Ritz
47. Make an entire outfit, without patterns to follow
48. Attend a convention in cosplay
49. Go to a film premiere
50. Swim with dolphins
51. Write a book
52. Ride a hot air balloon
53. Run a marathon
54. Complete a triathlon (if the marathon didn't kill me)
55. Stay in an ice hotel
56. Go inter-railing through Europe
57. Be in a national newspaper
58. Be in a magazine
59. Make everyone's presents for Christmas one year
60. Buy something extravagant
61. Go scuba diving
62. Travel abroad for at least a month by myself
63. Win a game of poker
64. Produce a short film
65. Learn a new instrument
66. Try five new crafts
67. Keep a plant alive for more than a year
68. Watch the top 100 films on Imdb
69. Create artwork for my house
70. Visit a famous headquarters
71. Give blood
72. Organise an event for charity
73. Complete a movie marathon of more than 24 hours
74. Donate hair to charity
75. Become financially independent
76. Take my parents on holiday
77. Win a competition
78. Sail a boat
79. Write a song
80. Go to a music festival
81. Take part in a World Record attempt
82. Take part in a professional photoshoot
83. Perform in front of at least 100 people
84. Design my own house
85. Go skinny dipping
86. Stay in an underwater hotel
87. Go paragliding
88. Pet/feed an exotic animal
89. Go on a cruise
90. Live abroad for at least a year
91. Finish a scrapbook
92. Go to the Olympics
93. Take my kids to Disneyland
94. Go on safari
95. Visit a volcano
96. Get a tattoo
97. Learn to do the splits
98. Go to the top of the Empire State building
99. Adopt an animal from a rescue shelter
100. Be happy.
I'm aware that this list probably sounds very selfish. I tried to think of more charitable/volunteering things to include, but being selfless shouldn't be a one-off! I'll make time as often as possible to help others :)
Here's a few things I've already ticked off:
101. Become fluent in a foreign language (French)
102. Learn to drive
103. Get into uni
104. Own a pet
105. Go rock climbing
106. Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower
107. Visit Disneyland
108. Move out
109. Learn an instrument (piano)
110. Get a piercing (ears)
111. Be in a newspaper (local)
112. Learn how to ice skate
113. Learn how to knit and crochet
114. Go on a student exchange trip
115. Go abseiling
116. Complete a run for charity
Life so far has been good, but there's still so much more I'd love to do! I can't wait to see where the future takes me, and I'll treasure every adventure.
Have you made a bucket list? If so, how many entries have you ticked off so far?