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Saturday, 29 March 2014

Lush Giveaway Winner

Ooh how exciting! My 50 Bloglovin' followers giveaway ended at midnight last night and, having moderated all the entries, I'm pleased to finally announce the winner! The winner was chosen at random from the legitimate entries using

And the winner is.... Imogen Walker! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Congratulations Imogen! You have 48 hours to reply to my message, after which a new winner will be chosen at random.

Thank you everyone for entering, and I hope you enjoy my blog! I'm sure there'll be more giveaways in the future :)

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  1. Thank you again Helen! I can't wait to try them out. <3

  2. Once again, Helen, thank you! I'm eager to give them a try, But, I am facing the issue with my math classes I want hire assistant who take my online mathematics class for me due to the upcoming busy days at my university, Could you experienced folks share your insights?
