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Wednesday, 30 April 2014

On Wednesdays we wear pink - Illamasqua varnish in Scarce

I have to admit, I'm not a die-hard fan of Mean Girls. However I enjoy quoting it as much as the next person, and so I was pretty happy when I realised that my newest nail colour is apt. Today is the 10th Anniversary of Mean Girls, and since it's a Wednesday pink is a must. I actually realised yesterday that I don't have a single pink item in my wardrobe, so this is my (pitiful) way of commemorating the occasion.

I actually picked up Scarce when Illamasqua had a sale around this time last year. I love the speckled-egg effect and am very impressed by the formula and opacity - two coats was more than enough to be completely opaque, and it glides on smoothly.

This is actually the first time I've worn Scarce with my go-to Seche Vite top coat, so I can't comment fairly on its longevity. But since only two coats of colour were required I'm hoping that chips won't make an appearance for a while!

I think Scarce is a great varnish for days where you want a subtle splash of colour, but just that little bit fancier.

Scarce is available on the Illamasqua website here for £14.50

Have you tried any of the Illamasqua varnishes before?

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  1. I've never tried Illamasqua but that is a gorgeous colour and I LOVE the pattern! Like a pink duck egg :) x

    Katy | Little Miss Katy

    1. Yes, it's so pretty! Just waiting for Illamasqua to have another sale so that I can buy the other colours :) x

  2. Happy Means Girls day!
    I've never seen a nail varnish like this before, I feel like it is a great colour for Easter xoxo

    Other Infinities

    1. Happy Mean Girls day to you too!
      It would be perfect for Easter! Unfortunately I left it in another city over the Easter period :( There's always next year! x

  3. I love the Mean Girls reference :) I love the shade of nail polish, the speckled effect is a nice touch
