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Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Some blog changes and an apology

Hi guys! How is everyone? I'm loving this summer weather and how pretty it makes everything! I hope everyone's enjoying it :) 

So the last few weeks have been pretty frustrating. For the first time in forever I'm getting what I'm dreaming of I had all the time in the World to dedicate to blogging, and yet my absence from my little part of the internet is all too obvious. Sorry again for the infrequent posts. If you're following me on twitter you'll understand my plight. As soon as I finished being busy with studying my laptop decided it couldn't take any more, and the cooling fan gave out. Cue a scorching, unhappy laptop. I also had to contend with no internet access for a while, which was even more frustrating. Anyway, I'm finally back. And since Uni is over I'm pretty excited to be able to start making some changes that I've been envisioning for a while. Here are the things I've been mulling over.

Redesign my blog
For the most part I've been pretty happy with my current blog design. It's got enough white space to look semi-professional, but is still quite unique compared to most designs I see. But, having been blogging for a while, I'm beginning to understand why lots of blogs look pretty similar. Clean, simple blogs are easy to read. Large, clear pictures are aesthetically pleasing. And sidebar widgets make the blog more dynamic. I can't wait to have a change, whilst hopefully retaining some features of my current blog design. 

Also, how do you feel about Disqus for comments? I find it quite useful, but have heard mixed reviews.

Improve my photography
Over the past few months I've been becoming more and more frustrated with my blog photography. I can visualise the photo I want to take, but my smartphone is just incapable of doing it. Top of my birthday wishlist was a DSLR, so hopefully soon I'll finally be able to produce the photos I'm aiming for. I'm sure it'll take me a while to get the hang of it all, but I'm hoping you'll see a noticeable improvement straight away.

Join more social networks
Since finishing Uni I've joined Twitter and set up a blog-specific Instagram. Surprisingly, I've never used Twitter before so I'm still learning the ropes. I think I'm settling in now though, and I'm loving how easy it is to interact with the blogging community. I must remember to put reminders for all the blogger chats in my diary because I love how informative they are for a relative newbie. I've also met some lovely people on Twitter already, and would love to meet more. Pop over and say hi if you want to chat :) My blog-specific Instagram was created so that I can keep you all up to date on my latest posts without bombarding my non-blogger friends. But I'm also planning on making my feed pretty. You'll see pictures of my days out, my food creations and anything that I enjoy. I hope you'll like it :) You can find links to both my Twitter and Instagram in my sidebar. 

I'm also thinking of making a Pinterest for my blog. Would people recommend it? I already look at Pinterest for creative inspiration, so I'm guessing it'd be great for blogging too!

Post more frequently
No more exams means that I can finally dedicate as much time as I want to blogging, and once I've got my new camera I'll be more motivated than ever. I'm planning to post 3 or 4 times a week to begin with, and then hopefully more often when I can.

My blog has had to take a back seat up until now, so I'm really excited that I can finally give it the love it deserves!
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P.S. Sorry for the lack of beauty posts recently! I'm currently in the process of moving out of my uni house, and most of the products I was planning on reviewing have gone astray :( By the weekend I'll have finished moving out, so hopefully everything will be back in my possession.

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  1. I recently changed my blog layout and I feel so much better about it! If you're having any trouble you can find me at @popogesfashion on Twitter and all the best with your blog!

    Mary x

    1. That's so great to hear! And thank you - I'll follow you on twitter now :) x

  2. Disqus is amazing! I just got it and it's great for talking to readers.
    Imogen's Typewriter. <3

    1. Oooh yay! That's what I thought :) It's great that they get a notification when you reply too! x

  3. Great post! Thank you for all the tips. I just came across your blog & it's so lovely I had to follow! :) xx

    Angela | The Sunday Chapter

    1. Thank you so much for the follow ^_^ Checking out your blog now! x

  4. This is such a lovely post!
    You have an amazing blog!
    Keep in touch doll! <3
