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Thursday, 13 August 2015

Storing memories

I've wanted to start a diary for ages, but never had the motivation. I guess it's weird for a blogger to say, but I felt like I wasn't creative enough. How could I find enough in a day to write about? Then I thought: why not make it more structured? I have no problem answering questions, so maybe I could answer the same questions every day which will hopefully encapsulate all of the information that I would have shared in the more traditional manner.

So far this is really working. I've kept a diary for over a week, which is my longest streak ever! Impressive, I know ;) But I really don't see me losing motivation any time soon. When I think about writing my entry for the day I don't sigh with frustration. I know exactly what I'll be writing about and it takes me less than ten minutes. My entries are concise but comprehensive and I think they'll be great to look back on.

Below are the questions I've been using so far (flexible every day, obviously!):
- What did you do today?
- What are you most proud of?
- Who/what made you happy?
- What are you looking forward to?
- Overwhelming emotions
- Picture of the day (printed using my Polaroid Zip, reviewed here)
- I also draw a little picture to represent the day's weather!

Those are the standard questions I tend towards. Others that I've thought of are:
- My aim for tomorrow is...
- Today I learnt...
- I'm currently reading...
- Yesterday I dreamt...

How many of you keep a diary and how do you find motivation? :)

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